Water Conservation

We live in a country which is prone to droughts and water restrictions, so finding ways to conserve water can help us both financially and environmentally, and ensure we have sufficient water when we need it.
We take for granted the availability of water at the turn of a tap. However, living in a tropical country as we do here in Australia water conservation is of prime importance and it is up to all of us to consider the environment and the effect on our country. Water conservation of course is also important financially, as saving water can also lead to big savings for our wallet.

Grey Water

One of the best ways to conserve water is to make use of what is called grey water, which is the relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances. An average Australian household produces about 200 litres of grey water per day.

Grey water can be used to water your garden, flush the toilet, or wash your car. Evidence has been produced that shows a saving of anything between 20 to 30% in water bills.

Remember not all grey water can be recycled and that is why you need professional guidance as there are several penalties for incorrect usage which may result in health risks.

First you should check with your Local Council or the Environmental Protection Agency to make sure you are allowed to use grey water should you decide to do so in your area.

Next, ensure you employ the skills of a qualified plumbing company that has the experience of installing grey water systems that comply with Australian Building Regulations.

Other Water Conservation Techniques

  • Water Conservation is not only about reusing water but making sure to not waste the water you do use. Leaks from taps & pipes can cause damage to both property and to your water bills. Make sure to constantly check taps and pipes for leaks or drips and get them fixed as soon as possible.
  • Installing mechanisms at water discharge points such as low flow shower heads or is another consideration as it can save 50% of usage in both water and energy costs.
  • Dual flush toilets are very common these days using over 50% less water than single flush. Time to get rid of that old toilet and install a dual flush.
  • It is also important when selecting a replacement for dishwashers or washing machines to choose a Triple A Rating as this indicates a superior standard of water economy.
AJ’s Plumbing, owners of Australian Hydronic Heating and Cooling, have 25 years experience of dealing with both home owners and commercial businesses. We can work with you to select and install the right water conservation systems for you and to fix all leaking taps and pipes.
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