Geothermal Hot Water System

Using the energy stored within the earth’s surface can not only be used to heat and cool your home, but also to provide hot water. This creates a very efficient system for home and water heating.
Geothermal heat pump

If you have installed a geothermal heat pump system to heat and cool your home, or are thinking of installing one, why not take the extra step and use the same system to heat your water. Modern geothermal heat pumps allow you to use the surplus heat energy generated to heat your hot water. This provides a very efficient method of heating and cooling your home and heating your water.

Australia Hydronic Heating and Cooling work closely with Rinnai, a leading supplier of heating and cooling products in Australia. Their Geoflo Hybrid heat pump technology offers an efficient, economical and renewable home heating and cooling and water heating solution.

Rinnai Geoflo Hybrid

The Rinnai Geoflo Hybrid system is comparable to their conventional Geoflo system, however as it utilises the stored energy from the earth, it diverts surplus heat energy to your hot water storage tank, which in-turn provides you with free hot water. This makes it a highly efficient and affordable system to run using only clean, renewable energy and can reduce energy costs by up to 50% in comparison to traditional ducted cooling systems.

Cleverly designed components mean that there are very few moving parts within the Geoflo Hybrid, not only making this unit quiet in operation but durable and long lasting. Conventional heat pumps heat water slowly when outside air temperatures are low. The Rinnai Geoflo Hybrid helps to heat your hot water rapidly because the ground temperature is always a high stable 17°C.

Some of the features and benefits of the system include:

  • Free hot water: surplus energy from heating and cooling your home is captured to provide free hot water
  • Control from anywhere: Using your wif-fi connection and an App you can monitor and control the system from anywhere
  • Renewable energy: The earth is naturally heated by the sun which means the energy captured by the system is free, renewable and clean
  • Lower energy costs: The Geoflo Hybrid system can save an average household up to 50% in running costs per year
  • Low maintenance: With few moving parts, and your home and water heating combined in one system, this means minimal ongoing maintenance and servicing is required.
  • Works in any climate:No matter where you are, the underground temperatures are always stable meaning you get a consistent operation throughout the year.
Rinnai Geoflo Hybrid
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